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"Banh PHU THE" - Vietnamese conjugal cake

In Vietnam, “Banh Phu The” (conjugal cake) is a special cake, which symbolises the loyalty of a husband and wife...

' Banh Phu The' - The conjugal cake is normally served at Vietnamese weddings and used as a wedding invitation or taken by the man’s family to the woman’s family on engagement day.

The stickiness of the cake is said to signify the stickiness of the marriage ties. Traditionally, a guy would offer these to the girl he wants to marry. Now these cakes are still an essential part of a wedding banquet, or the gift packages that the groom's family send over to the bride's.

“Banh Phu The”  is a Vietnamese sweet with a jelly-like texture made of tapioca flour, pandan, mung bean paste, sugar, sesame seeds and coconut milk. It is very unique with a leaf covering that looks like a tiny square box, made from coconut leaves. The reason it is called Banh “Phu The” is because of how it is wrapped: a box on the top fits perfectly with the box on the bottom.

“Banh phu the” is more interesting in texture and flavor. In the real one, the cake has it green color and flavor by being steamed inside its box... 

Source: Hanoitimes

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